Horror tattoo on the inside of the palate

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Many people choose to get tattoos on their arms, legs, neck, back, attractive places on the body, but there are also people who choose to tattoo on the roof of their mouth.

Instead of revealing tattoos on the body, many people choose to hide them in hard-to-see places. In an effort to find a way to keep tattoos a secret, many people choose to put on the roof of the mouth.

And artist Matteo Masini, from Florence, Italy is one of those tattooists who always try to satisfy customers who want to hide strange drawings on their bodies.

The 25-year-old artist shared that during his six-year career, he has successfully done about 10 tattoos in the mouth.

According to Matteo Masini, using a needle to pierce the roof of the mouth to tattoo is not as painful as people think.

Depending on the subject and the morphology of the mouth, the completion time varies but up to Matteo Masini completes about 20 minutes.

Matteo Masini said: “Everyone thinks that tattooing on the roof of the mouth is extremely painful, but it is not. I tried it and it did not harm myself.”

The artist has received a lot of requests for tattoos on the palate and emphasizes that he likes to do them because they are very unique and beautiful.

Another artist from Belgium, Indy Voet, has a similar hobby of tattooing the roof of the mouth as Matteo Masini. Indy Voet has a lot of experience, having done many artistic tattoos in a number of unique places on the body from behind the ear to the gums or fingers, but the most attractive to him is the roof of the mouth tattoo, which is also the technique that he had to practice for many years.

Indy Voet said: “I started doing tattoos in the roof of my mouth about 4 years ago. I myself am also a tattoo and piercing fan since 10 years ago. I find tattooing in uncommon places creates creating feels more natural, not stereotyped”.

For the palate tattoo process, Indy Voet uses a hand-press technique instead of a machine because it is difficult to put the machine in these positions. The artist shared: “I don’t use anything other than needles and a little ingenuity, combined with the trust of the client. 9 out of 10 people who come to me describe the tattoo in the palate painless. painful or very little pain and easy to handle. 10% often complain of jaw muscle pain”.

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