“Many People Look Down On Us Because We Have 10 Children,” Say Parents Who Have 10 Children, Including 3 Sets Of Twins

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They have become the parents of ten children after mother gave birth to 3 sets of twins. According to doctors, the probability of this happening is 1 in 200,000.

Kimberly and John Alarcon, 37, from New York, are the parents of 10 children – 9 of them are their own biological children, 3 are twins, and the tenth is John’s nephew, whom they are also raising. Although it is not easy to take care of so many children, they see it as a blessing, in fact, they say that it is possible that they will have more children in the future.

“It’s very difficult to feed ten people, actually twelve with me and John. In a single day, we eat a whole loaf of bread and drink almost 2 liters of milk. We spend about $3,000 to $4,000 a month on groceries. I have no idea how to do it!” Kimberly said. In addition, the fact that John follows a different diet than the rest of the family creates difficulties.

Brittney is 18, Sarah is 14, Hunter is 10, Zoey and Zachary are 7, Olivia and Oliver are 4, King is 3, and the youngest are Kenzy and Kenzley, who are 9 months old. Although Kim says there have been twin pregnancies in her family, on her father’s side, they were surprised every time they found out they were expecting another sets of twins.

“The birth of our first sets of twins came completely out of the blue and we didn’t really have our lives straight at the time,” explained John.

Until then, they lived in a three-bedroom apartment, but because they needed more space, they bought a five-bedroom house, and everything was fine until Kim became pregnant again, this time with the second set of twins. The third time, they were originally expecting triplets, but the third baby was lost relatively early.

“Many people judge us or look down on us because we have 10 children. They say it’s a burden, but we see it as a blessing. We are very grateful for what we have,” says John.

Kim works as a beautician and hairdresser, and John is a detective, but many people assume that they live on public assistance, and several people criticize them, which is very bad for the mother. What hurts her the most is when she receives malicious comments about her appearance, with people asking, for example, what her husband sees in her and exclaiming that she must be blind.

However, the criticism and mean comments are all secondary, and the family lives very happily, even if they face new challenges every day. Kim and John share the tasks between them so that they both have some time to sleep, and they say they have a routine, although they don’t always stick to it.

If the whole family goes somewhere together, it usually takes a good hour before everyone is ready and can walk out the door. Nevertheless, they try to include as many such trips as possible, and when they can, they also go to restaurants together, which helps Kimberly a lot as she takes the burden of cooking and washing dishes off her shoulders.

As for the mean comments, the mother actually feels that they only made her stronger, so she is actually grateful for the criticism.

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