Close-up of the “goddess” beauty of the witch Anne Hathaway

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Possessing a classic gentle face, the witch of “The Witches” – Anne Hathaway is known as “the beautiful goddess of Hollywood”.

Anne Hathaway (Anne Jacqueline Hathaway), was born in 1982 in New York. She is an American film actress whose name coincides with the wife of English writer William Shakespeare. Anne’s father is a lawyer, mother is an actress, love for art was soon born in Anne from an early age.

Anne’s inspiration for acting and musicals came from when she was seven years old when she saw her mother, Kathleen Ann McCauley, play the role of Fantine on her first “Les Miserables” tour. in America

With her big round eyes, wide mouth and shining smile, Anne Hathaway was once voted as one of the most beautiful and memorable female stars on the Hollywood big screen in the 2000s.

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