“Smarthome Innovations: A Glimpse into Houses Designed for the Future”

by Kairon

“Smarthome Innovations: A Glimpse into Houses Designed for the Future”

Two Close Between / Abon Studio - Interior Photography, Table, Chair

Text description provided by the architects. The official name we gave this project is Two-Close-Between, the name is derived from the actual constraints of the site’s surroundings along with the functionality of the building.

Two Close Between / Abon Studio - Interior Photography, Kitchen, Countertop, Table, Chair, Beam, Sink

Two Close Between / Abon Studio - Image 16 of 22

Ground Floor Plan

Two Close Between / Abon Studio - Interior Photography, Bathroom, Windows

The drivers for this project were problem solving privacy aspects whilst preserving views.  This is a dual living home built on a small 450m2 site, snug between two existing properties.  The main objective was to retain the views of the ocean whilst maximizing privacy between the dual living and also from the surrounding homes, which are situated around all four sides of the site.

Two Close Between / Abon Studio - Interior Photography, Stairs, Facade, Handrail, Courtyard

The dual dwelling is divided by one wall and a secret door, if the wall is removed the dwelling becomes a four-bedroom single family residence. An aspect we are particularly proud of with this project is the amount of usable space we managed to achieve on such a small site, whilst creating spaces that do not interfere with the surrounding homes.

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Two Close Between / Abon Studio - Exterior Photography, Facade, Deck

If there was any challenging process in this project, it would have been fitting a three level home onto a tight site that was surrounded by other homes on all sides.  The design needed to suit the client but respect the neighbors in many aspects, which involved a lengthy design development process.  Luckily design is what we live for though.

Two Close Between / Abon Studio - Exterior Photography, Beam, Deck, Handrail

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