The mystery of tattoos that make you “drunk” in a state of balance

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Tattoos that create a “shake to dizzy” effect are attracting many young people with personality, but few people know the origin of this creative tattoo style.

Passionate about creating impressive tattoos, Yatzil Elizalde (25 years old, Mexican nationality) is the author of tattoos that cause dizzying effects, attracting the attention of young people recently.

Yatzil started his career as an artist, focusing on illustrations and murals. It was not until later, when she discovered her passion for needles and ink, that she turned to tattoo art. She believes that “tattooing the human body with her style is always a way to define herself”.

6 years in the profession, with a different tattoo style, female artist Yatzil always uses sophisticated and complex lines, creating an illusion effect by drawing 2 to 3 times the lines are different. Sometimes viewers have to squint to feel the subtlety of the work.

She calls this the “blur effect” and says it helps viewers see the tattoo more clearly. “It sounds weird, but there are times in my life when I see things clearly that way – when I’m dizzy,” Yatzil says.

To get these tattoos done, Yatzil had to perfect his freehand sketches. Many people consider this to be an impossible task because most people have a headache when focusing on these pictures, having a hard time drawing or perfecting them.

Yatzil shared, she no longer feels dizzy when looking at her work and is always thinking about how to help others feel the same.

“I like to imagine that people have blurred vision when looking at my tattoos. I feel great if people can experience that through my art,” says Yatzil.

She believes her work succeeds in completing the visual effect based on the optical illusion aspect.

To date, Yatzil has completed about 40 stun tattoos with many different themes and characters.

Each of these tattoos is priced depending on the size, design and where the client decides to choose to tattoo. Her tattoo hourly price is $250 to $350.

Currently, this female artist has more than 49,000 followers on social networks, especially young people who love artistic tattoos.

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