Rangers-mad OnlyFans star has camera nabbed by cheeky binmen after boozy pub trip

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Rangers-mad OnlyFans star Lana Wolf boozed up for her footballing debut, but not before she had one of her GoPro cameras nicked by a cheeky pair of binmen she met while in Cornwall

Rangers-mad OnlyFans star Lana Wolf had her camera nabbed by a cheeky binman while making her booze-fuelled footballing debut.

The Rangers fangirl took to a charity match in Cornwall where she was spotted appealing for penalties, necking pints and losing cameras to binmen in a wild trip for a football fixture.

Participating in the Cornwall Mental Health Cup charity match, Wolf laced up her boots for a footballing debut that saw the porn star visit with a few binmen before her big debut game.

It was there that Wolf appears to have misplaced her camera, with the cheeky binmen making off with the GoPro after the OnlyFans model’s pub sesh.

Speaking while at the pub, Wolf jokingly said: “I don’t think my football coach recommended drinking the night before the game. All of my hard work, all of my training…

“To be fair I think if I play with a few drinks in me I’ll probably play better. Get those tackles in.”

Her vlog, uploaded to her YouTube channel, then cut to the Rangers-mad porn star inside of a binman’s lorry, pretending to drive the vehicle and wearing a hard hat.

The video then cuts to Wolf after leaving the lorry, where she shares of a disastrous turn of events.

Speaking to camera, Wolf said: “We just lost the camera. I was s***ing myself, this is the fourth GoPro that I’ve bought this year. I literally couldn’t find it anywhere.

“We’ve f***ing left it in that bin lorry, haven’t we? We’ve left it in that bin lorry with them two guys.”

The video then cuts back to the two lads inside of the bin lorry, who both say “what’s up guys” to camera, presumably using Wolf’s camera to provide an update from inside the cabin.

The bin men continued: “We’ve got your GoPro here. If you want my number…” before the video cuts to a clip from The Simpsons, with Homer Simpson heard shouting “boring”.

Almost as “boring” as the 3-0 thumping Wolf’s beloved Rangers received against Napoli in the UEFA Champions League, which the porn star took to Twitter to complain of.

A series of tweets were best summarised by Wolf’s three words on the match, where she tweeted: “No f***in’ way.”

Daily Star recently reported on the state of Wolf’s footballing debut, where the OnlyFans alumni necked jägerbombs and pints before the big fixture.

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