Vinicius Speaks Out: An Important Message to La Liga 🗣️⚽

by jame

Real Madrid star Vinicius Junior has pledged to continue the fight against racial discrimination, despite knowing he cannot eliminate this issue entirely, as he shared with L’Equipe. This commitment comes in the wake of incidents, especially during matches in Valencia.

Vinicius: I know I'm not going to make Spain a country without racists |  Marca

Vinicius Junior stated to L’Equipe, “It has happened many times, and in Valencia, it was blatant and open. I felt very sad. I’m on the field to make people happy.”

“I’ve been in touch with people who study racial discrimination, people with families who have gone through tough times, people who know a lot about slavery. I’ve also read a lot. If someone offends you by hurting you, you have to fight against it. Until everything changes,” affirmed the Real Madrid winger.

Rio Ferdinand bảo vệ Vinicius sau khi bị phân biệt chủng tộc

Ngôi sao Real Madrid bị dọa giết, lăng mạ, thế giới bóng đá rúng động | Báo  Dân tríVinicius bị phân biệt chủng tộc và đã đến lúc ngừng nói về bóng đá

The Brazilian attacking player has been the target of racial discrimination in La Liga matches on several occasions. The football association has filed at least 9 complaints to the court about racist behavior directed at Vinicius throughout the season.

Real Madrid’s star emphasized that he will continue the fight against this issue in Spain, hoping to make life easier for the next generation. Vinicius understands that he alone cannot change history or turn Spain into a country free of racial discrimination, but he believes he can make some changes.

In fact, three individuals involved in the mockery of Vinicius at Valencia’s stadium were penalized. The Spanish Football Association at that time also sent messages against racial discrimination and expressed support for Vinicius.

Cầu thủ Real Madrid mặc áo số 20, ủng hộ Vinicius trước nạn phân biệt chủng  tộc

He told L’Equipe, “Personally, I know that I won’t change history, that I won’t turn Spain into a country without racial discrimination, as well as the whole world. But I know I can change some things. So that children in the coming years don’t have to go through this, so that future generations can be at ease. For them, I’ll do everything I can.”

“I’ve learned a lot about racial discrimination. I know more every day. It’s a really complex issue. I truly hope that these incidents won’t happen anymore. Not just to me but to all players, to everyone… and especially to children.”

Xung quanh việc Vinicius Jr bị phân biệt chủng tộc: Chờ đợi công lí ở La  Liga

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